Departmant Quality Activities

Department Information
To train qualified dietitians with universal thoughts and values in accordance with the qualifications determined within the framework of international standards in order to increase the quality of life, protect, improve and develop health with a multidisciplinary approach by ensuring adequate and balanced nutrition of the individuals who make up the society; to ensure that students reinforce their theoretical knowledge with field experiences, to encourage active participation in research projects, to provide education, research and consultancy services at international standards, based on innovative technology and following the latest developments in science.
To be an exemplary and leading educational institution that is recognized, preferred, exemplary and leading in our country and worldwide with its well-equipped graduates, scientific studies, and consultancy services in the field of Nutrition and Dietetics, and to conduct research and publications that will contribute to the development of public health.
Ensuring adequate and balanced nutrition of the individuals constituting the society, increasing the quality of life, protecting, improving, and developing their health with a multidisciplinary approach,
To have the competence to identify and solve the problems encountered during his/her education and professional life,
To be able to express himself/herself at national and international level in the field,
To train dietitians who follow scientific developments with ethical values with the awareness of lifelong learning.

Click here for the organization chart of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics.

İçerik metinlerini buraya yazabilirsiniz.

İçerik metinlerini buraya yazabilirsiniz.

Internal stakeholders
Academic senior management
Department academic staff
Archaeology students
External stakeholders
Dietitians working in various public and private institutions
Dietitians working at other universities
Dietitians Association of Turkey
Click here for SDU Quality Assurance System Decision Tree Model.
Work Flow Charts
  • Click here for the Quality Commission work flow chart.
Work Schedule
  • Click here for the work schedule of the Quality Commission.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aliye KUYUMCU

Asst. Prof. Hatice BAYGUT

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aliye KUYUMCU

Prof. Dr. Nurgül ŞENOL (Head)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aliye KUYUCU
Res. Assist. PhD. Hatice BÖLÜKBAŞI

Prof. Dr. Nurgül ŞENOL (Head)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aliye KUYUCU
Res. Assist. PhD. Hatice BÖLÜKBAŞI

Prof. Dr. Nurgül ŞENOL (Head)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aliye KUYUCU
Res. Assist. PhD. Hatice BÖLÜKBAŞI

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aliye KUYUCU


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aliye KUYUCU (Head)
Res. Assist. PhD. Elif ÇELİK
Res. Assist. PhD. Müberra YILDIZ

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülçin ŞATIR (Head)
Res. Assist. PhD. Müberra YILDIZ
Res. Assist. PhD. Elif ÇELİK

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aliye KUYUCU (Head)
Prof. Dr. Nurgül ŞENOL 
Res. Assist. PhD. Hatice BÖLÜKBAŞI
Res. Assist. PhD. Elif ÇELİK
Res. Assist. PhD. Müberra YILDIZ

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aliye KUYUMCU (Head)
Res. Assist. PhD. Hatice BÖLÜKBAŞI
Res. Assist. PhD. Elif ÇELİK
Res. Assist. PhD. Müberra YILDIZ

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aliye KUYUMCU (Head)
Res. Assist. PhD. Hatice BÖLÜKBAŞI
Res. Assist. PhD. Elif ÇELİK
Res. Assist. PhD. Müberra YILDIZ


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülçin ŞATIR (Head)
Asst. Prof. Hatice BAYGUT
Res. Assist. PhD. Müberra YILDIZ

Prof. Dr. Nurgül ŞENOL (Head)
Res. Assist. PhD. Hatice BÖLÜKBAŞI
Res. Assist. PhD. Elif ÇELİK
Res. Assist. PhD. Müberra YILDIZ

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aliye KUYUMCU (Head)
Res. Assist. PhD. Hatice BÖLÜKBAŞI
Res. Assist. PhD. Elif ÇELİK
Res. Assist. PhD. Müberra YILDIZ

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aliye KUYUMCU (Head)
Res. Assist. PhD. Hatice BÖLÜKBAŞI
Res. Assist. PhD. Elif ÇELİK
Res. Assist. PhD. Müberra YILDIZ

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aliye KUYUMCU

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aliye KUYUMCU

Res. Assist. PhD. Hatice BÖLÜKBAŞI

Res. Assist. PhD. Müberra YILDIZ

Res. Assist. PhD. Elif ÇELİK

Res. Assist. PhD. Elif ÇELİK

Arş. Gör. Dr. Müberra YILDIZ

Res. Assist. PhD. Hatice BÖLÜKBAŞI

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülçin ŞATIR

Res. Assist. PhD. Elif ÇELİK

Res. Assist. PhD. Elif ÇELİK

Grade 1 Res. Assist. PhD. Hatice BÖLÜKBAŞI
Res. Assist. PhD. Müberra YILDIZ

Rabia Yaren GÜNEŞ

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kadriye TOPRAK (Ankara Medipol University)
Res. Assist. PhD. Menşure Nur ÇELİK (On Dokuz Mayıs University)
Res. Assist. PhD. Özge CEMALİ (Trakya University)

Meeting Minutes
İçerik metinlerini buraya yazabilirsiniz.

Grade 1 2024-2025 Fall Semester Meeting Minutes
Grade 2  
Grade 3  
Grade 4  
Minutes of Meeting




Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aliye KUYUMCU

Res. Assist. PhD. Hatice BÖLÜKBAŞI

Res. Assist. PhD. Müberra YILDIZ

Res. Assist. PhD. Elif ÇELİK

Within the scope of the 3rd International/6th National Health Services Congress (INHSC 2024), organizing a session with information on healthy nutrition followed by a workshop for the participants The 3rd International/6th National Health Services Congress (INHSC2024), organized by Süleyman Demirel University (SDU) Faculty of Medicine, was held on December 19-21, 2024 at the SDU Research and Practice Hospital and Faculty Classrooms. In this context, our department organized a workshop titled “Taste and Balance: Happiness Workshop and Good Life Meeting” moderated by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aliye Kuyumcu. In this session, the participants were first given theoretical presentations on “Popular Diets: Trends, Benefits and Facts” and “Diet and Snacking: The Power of Healthy Choices”, which helped to provide answers to questions in the media about nutrition. Then, the participants were given an application called “Happiness Workshop Without Refined Sugar”, and sugar-free snack recipes were prepared and information was provided about all recipes. EVIDENCE
2024 Asst. Prof. Hatice BAYGUT In-service training for the personnel of various units Within the scope of Health Quality Standards and In-Service Training activities, trainings on 'Hand Washing Techniques', 'Food and Hygiene', 'Personal Hygiene' were given at the Hospital Conference Hall for the staff of the Cafeteria Services Unit of the Research and Application Hospital. Prof. Dr. M. Lütfü Çakmakçı gave information about 'Food and Personnel Hygiene' and 'Standard Portion Sizes in Mass Nutrition Systems' in the trainings held within the scope of Integrated Quality Management System for the staff of the Central Kitchen of the Department of Health, Culture and Sports at the Prof. Dr. M. Lütfü Çakmakçı Cultural Center. Afterwards, the staff responsible for the tea room and cleaning staff of our university units received 'Hygiene and Sanitation' training. EVIDENCE
2024 Asst. Prof. Hatice BAYGUT Food Safety and Bioterrorism In-Service Training Prof. Dr. M. Lütfü Çakmakçı Cultural Center, “Food Safety and Bioterrorism” training was given by Dr. Lecturer Hatice Baygut from the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics of our Faculty. Prof. Dr. Hatice Baygut from the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics. In the training held within the scope of the Integrated Quality Management System for the staff of the Central Kitchen of the Department of Health, Culture and Sports, the participants put their theoretical knowledge into practice. EVIDENCE
2024 Res. Assist. PhD. Hatice BÖLÜKBAŞI Healthy nutrition education for primary school students Res. Assist. PhD. Hatice BÖLÜKBAŞI and students from the Faculty of Communication Prof. Dr. Hatice Bölükbaşı and students from the Faculty of Communication aimed to raise awareness of healthy living among young students. With such activities, it is aimed to improve public health by helping children adopt healthy living habits at an early age. EVIDENCE

Res. Assist. PhD. Hatice BÖLÜKBAŞI

Res. Assist. PhD. Elif ÇELİK

Conducting training for students and creating posters within the scope of World Food Day Within the scope of World Food Day determined by FAO, a training was organized to inform first year students about sustainability and the right to food. In addition, a poster was prepared to inform all health sciences students and staff. On the days related to the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, posts are made on the Instagram page and the web page.

EVIDENCE  (Training, poster and news evidence)

EVIDENCE (Instagram page)

Year of Report Report
2023 Department of Nutrition and Dietetics Self-Assessment Report-2023




Accreditation Studies
Department Improvement Studies
Sequence No.
Suggestion Section/Resource Suggestion Date


Improvement Date or year of improvement

It is aimed to determine the program outcomes as the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics begins accepting its first students in the 2024-2025 Academic Year.


2024 Determination of program outcomes and program objectives

In line with the opinions of internal and external stakeholders, 12 program outcomes and 4 program objectives were determin


EVIDENCE (Program Outcome and Program objectives)



It is planned to create a curriculum as the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics begins accepting its first students in the 2024-2025 academic year.


2024 Creation of course syllabus

The course curriculum was created by taking internal stakeholder, external stakeholder and peer opinions within the scope of the “Department of Nutrition and Dietetics Core Education Program (CEP)”


EVIDENCE (Stakeholder views)

EVIDENCE (Course syllabus)



With the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics starting to accept its first students in the 2024-2025 Academic Year, it has been decided to create Course Information packages and make necessary updates in line with the incoming letters.



2024 Preparation of course information packages

Course information packages for the courses in all semesters of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics were created in Turkish and English according to the guidelines and by following the “ECTS Course Information Package Training” organized by the Personnel Department.


EVIDENCE (Turkish Course Information Packs)

EVIDENCE (English Course Information Packs)



With the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics starting to accept its first students in the 2024-2025 academic year, it is aimed to associate the program outcomes with the NQF.


2024 Associating program outcomes with NQF

The necessary evaluation was completed by associating the program outcomes with the NQF.




With the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics accepting its first students in the 2024-2025 academic year and as a result of the request for regulation by the institution, work has begun to update the mission and vision.



2024 Program mission and vision update

The mission and vision of the program were evaluated in line with external stakeholder opinions and revised in line with the suggestions.


EVIDENCE (External stakeholder views)

EVIDENCE (Current Mission and Vision)



It is planned to organize the web pages in accordance with the letter sent by the Institution Quality Commission regarding the creation or update of English and Turkish websites.


2024 Updating the department website and creating an English website

After the Nutrition and Dietetics Department started to admit students, the department's Turkish and English websites were created and updated. The website contains all information for students and is constantly updated. In addition, in order to ensure continuous communication with students, the department's Instagram account has been opened and is actively used.


EVIDENCE (Department Turkish website)


EVIDENCE (Department English website)

EVIDENCE (Department Instagram page)



The Department Head and the Accreditation and Department Curriculum Update Commission decided to establish a “Measurement and Evaluation Commission”, a “Clinical/Field Application Commission” and to make changes in the “Quality Commission” in order to conduct quality studies more healthily.


2024 Additions and amendments to committees

The Head of the Department and the Accreditation and Department Curriculum Update Committee have decided to establish a “Measurement and Evaluation Committee”, a “Clinical/Field Practice Commission” and to make changes in the “Quality Commission” in order to carry out quality studies in a healthier way and to establish “Undergraduate Clinical/Field Practice Directive” and “Department Education and Training Regulations”.


EVIDENCE (Minutes of the Commission meeting)


EVIDENCE (Commission amendment letter)



A “Measurement and Evaluation Commission” was assigned by the department quality commission to create surveys to obtain the opinions of internal and external stakeholders, to report the results and to make the necessary improvements.



2024 Conducting internal and external stakeholder surveys

“SDU Department of Nutrition and Dietetics Internal Stakeholder (Student) Opinion Form-1” was created for the students in order to create course evaluation questionnaires for the Measurement and Evaluation Committee. Here, in line with the feedback received from the questionnaires, the evaluation questionnaires of the first semester department courses were created.


EVIDENCE (Internal Stakeholder (Student) Opinion Form-1)

EVIDENCE (Survey evaluation form)

EVIDENCE (Course evaluation questionnaires)



It is planned to provide training to students after the “Career Planning Workshop” and to work on meeting with colleagues.



2024 Contributing to students' career development from the first grade

Within the scope of the vocational orientation course and career planning, in order to help students determine what they can do in the following years and after graduation from the first year and to help them move in this direction, first of all, our department career representative, Assoc. Assist. Prof. Dr. Müberra YILDIZ provided training on career planning. Afterwards, with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aliye KUYUMCU, sector student meetings were planned under the name of “Dietitians of the Future Meet with Their Colleagues”. In this direction, dietitians working in the public, private and academic sectors met with students.

Evidence (Career planning training)

Evidence (Future Dietitians Meet with Colleagues-1)

Evidence (Future Dietitians Meet with Colleagues-2)

Evidence (Future Dietitians Meet with Colleagues-3)

Evidence (Future Dietitians Meet with Colleagues-4)




According to the Education and Training Self-Assessment Report, it was determined that the SWOT analysis was missing in 2024 and a decision was taken by the department board to create a SWOT analysis.


2024 Conducting a SWOT analysis of the department, identifying strengths and weaknesses, analyzing opportunities and threats will make important contributions to the development of the department.

In 2024, with the decision of the department board, it was planned to conduct a SWOT analysis and some sub-components were determined. Later, the SWOT analysis was updated with the start of the department's student intake and presented to the advisory board. Necessary additions were made after the feedback.

Evidence (Components included in the decision of the department board)

Evidence (Revised and recreated SWOT analysis)

Evidence (External stakeholder opinions)

Evidence (Current SWOT analysis)


2024 (Created)

2025 (Modified and updated)