Dietitians of the Future Meet with Colleagues-3

In the third of the activities organized within the scope of vocational orientation and career planning, our students attended the activities organized by Specialist Dyt. Ali Onur Duran. Duran, an expert in his field, inspired our students by sharing important information about his professional life and experiences.
Uzm. Dyt. Ali Onur Duran explained his own educational journey in detail and informed our students about the difficulties he encountered and the successes he achieved in this process. He drew attention to the importance of sports nutrition and professional approaches in this field by sharing his experiences as the dietitian of the Turkish National Men's Basketball Team.
Duran also shared his experiences about his career in the private sector and guided students on career planning and career choice. Throughout the event, students had the opportunity to gain valuable information on how they should follow a path to specialize in their fields.

Yayın Tarihi: 26/12/2024
Okunma Sayısı: 36