Departmant Quality Activities

Department Information

To train gerontologists who, through qualified undergraduate and graduate programs, are able to assess the country’s needs related to aging with contemporary approaches; provide gerontological services to individuals, families, and communities; are researchers, educators, practitioners, managers, and leaders; embrace interdisciplinary collaboration and teamwork in their field; know and apply their professional rights and responsibilities; and adhere to ethical principles.
To be an educational institution that serves as a model and is preferred at the national and international levels with its students, faculty, educational programs, and research; that trains creative and reliable gerontologists capable of utilizing the requirements of gerontology at a high level; and that facilitates student and faculty exchanges under the Erasmus program of the EU.
Click here for the organization chart of the Department of Gerontology
The aim is to train gerontologists who are aware of aging and the aging process and who can undertake the planning and management of scientific and applied services to enhance the quality of life for older adults. These professionals should possess knowledge and research skills at an international level and be capable of using critical thinking processes. They need the competence to identify and solve problems they encounter throughout their education and professional lives, respect human rights and values, and uphold ethical standards with a commitment to lifelong learning.
  1. Supports basic and current information in the field of gerontology with advanced theoretical and applied information through various resources such as textbooks, application tools and equipment, and multimedia education materials.
  2. Interprets and evaluates scientific data, defines, and analyzes problems in the field of gerontology by using advanced knowledge and skills.
  3. Develops solution proposals based on research and evidence, in accordance with professional and ethical values, shares information, and participates in teamwork.
  4. Uses information technologies effectively in the field of research. Organizes educational programs for individuals, families, and society by using the theoretical and applied knowledge acquired.
  5. Conducts independent research using his/her knowledge in the field of gerontology and takes responsibility as a team member in cooperation with other professional groups.
  6. Evaluates the knowledge and skills he/she has with a critical perspective. Shows that he/she is open to lifelong learning and constantly maintains this approach.
  7. Informs relevant individuals and institutions on issues related to gerontology; presents his/her thoughts and solution proposals in written and oral form; and at the same time listens to feedback from relevant parties.
  8. Uses information and communication technologies required in the field effectively, at least at the level of the European Computer User License.
  9. Documents professional activities and practices safely and effectively and keeps accurate records.
  10. Collects, interprets, and applies data on gerontology.
  11. During the announcement of results, cooperates with relevant disciplines and acts in accordance with social, scientific, cultural, and ethical values. 
SWOTT Analysis

.Click here for the Gerontology Department SWOT analysis.

Research is encouraged that provides a better understanding of the aging process across its biological, psychological, and social dimensions. Such research should aim to improve the quality of life for elderly individuals, identify their problems, and offer solutions. It should support cooperation with different disciplines, help develop policies, increase the access of elderly individuals to health services, and create age-friendly environments. Additionally, it should explore how technologies can be used in the aging process and how these technologies can improve the quality of life for elderly individuals. All research should comply with ethical standards.

Prof. Dr. Metin ÖZKUL (Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Süleyman Demirel University)


Prof. Dr. Fatma Başalan İZ (Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Süleyman Demirel University)


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aliye KUYUMCU (Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Health Sciences, Süleyman Demirel University)


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Duray ( Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Health Sciences, Süleyman Demirel University)



Prof. Dr. İsmail TUFAN (Department of Gerontology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Akdeniz University)


Prof. Dr. Gülüşan ÖZGÜN BAŞIBÜYÜK (Department of Gerontology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Akdeniz University)


Prof. Dr. Hasan Hüseyin BAŞIBÜYÜK (Department of Gerontology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Akdeniz University)


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sercan ÖZBEK YAZICI (Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Health Sciences, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University)


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Deniz SAY ŞAHİN (Department of Social Work, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University)


Click here for SDÜ Quality Assurance System Decision Tree Model.
Prof. Dr. Işıl PAMUKÇU
Prof. Dr. Işıl PAMUKÇU
Prof. Dr. Işıl PAMUKÇU
Prof. Dr. Işıl PAMUKÇU
Prof. Dr. Işıl PAMUKÇU
Prof. Dr. Işıl PAMUKÇU

Prof. Dr. İsmail TUFAN (Department of Gerontology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Akdeniz University)


Prof. Dr. Metin ÖZKUL (Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Süleyman Demirel University)


Prof. Dr. Gülüşan ÖZGÜN BAŞIBÜYÜK (Department of Gerontology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Akdeniz University)


Prof. Dr. Hasan Hüseyin BAŞIBÜYÜK (Department of Gerontology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Akdeniz University)


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sercan ÖZBEK YAZICI (Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Health Sciences, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University)


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Deniz SAY ŞAHİN (Department of Social Work, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University)







Assoc. Prof. Dr. Işıl KALAYCI


Online seminar given by Işıl Kalaycı to the postgraduate students o under the moderation of Prof. Cristina Petrucci and Prof. Loreto Lancia atUNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DELLAQUILA, the Department of Medicina Clínica, Sanità Pubblica

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Işıl Kalaycı, a faculty member of the Department of Gerontology, gave a seminar on “Problems and life satisfaction of older adults in Turkey”, “Elder abuse and neglect in Turkey” and “Social policies implemented in youth employment” to graduate students on the online platform, moderated by Prof. Cristina Petrucci and Prof. Loreto Lancia, at the UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DELLAQUILA Dipartimento di Medicina Clínica, Sanità Pubblica, Scienze della Vita e dell'Ambiente, on 20.02.2023 and 23.02.2023. EVIDENCE

Prof. Dr. Metin ÖZKUL

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Işıl KALAYCI

Publication of the book "Bütün Yönleriyle Başarılı Yaşlanma"   EVIDENCE
23.03.2023 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Işıl KALAYCI Publication of the book "Multidisipliner Boyutlarıyla TÜRKİYE’DE YAŞLI İSTİSMARI VE İHMALİ" The book titled "Multidisipliner Boyutlarıyla TÜRKİYE’DE YAŞLI İSTİSMARI VE İHMALİ" with its Multidisciplinary Dimensions" published in the Türkiye Gerontology Series under the editorship of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Işıl Kalaycı, Head of the Department of Gerontology, presents the phenomenon with titles such as theories of elder abuse and neglect, demographic characteristics, biological basis of abuse, body politics, gender inequality, disability, etc. from a multidisciplinary perspective; discusses the appearance of abuse in the media, ethical and legal processes, and its effects on health, and brings together articles by scientists offering solutions. EVIDENCE
15.06.2023 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Işıl KALAYCI Organizing the 1st International Symposium on Approaches to the Problem of Elder Abuse and Neglect from a Gerontological Perspective The “1st International Symposium on Approaches to the Problem of Elder Abuse and Neglect from a Gerontological Perspective”, hosted by the Gerontology Department of our University’s Faculty of Health Sciences, as part of the June 15 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, has ended. The opening speeches of the symposium, which started online, were made by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Işıl Kalaycı, Head of the Gerontology Department and Türkiye Representative of The International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA), Prof. Dr. İsmail Tufan, Head of the Gerontology Department of Akdeniz University and Türkiye Representative of INPEA, and Susan B. Somers, President of INPEA. EVIDENCE
Sequence No. Suggestion Section/Resource Suggestion Date Recommendation/Reason Improvement Date or year of improvement
